On December 7th. & 8th.
Interventionist dance and art performance parkour at Kampnagel for the NORDWIND Festival 2024.
December 7th. & 8th.
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URBAN BODIES PROJECT - KIGAL From September 21st to 24th
at Kandt House |
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ALICE & MICHEL On September 2nd. & 3rd at 2 pm
Performative-literary parcour through St. Georg, Hamburg. |
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URBAN BODIES PROJECT - MUNICH At July 8th 2023, 3 pm.
Meeting point: Münchener Stadtmuseum
Decolonizing Audiowalk with dance interventions in the city of Munich. |
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Archive of memories - an interactive installation 3 Days Farewell Event "ALL TOMORROWS PARTIES"
Theater Rampe, Stuttgart
From June 8th to 10th. |
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URBAN BODIES PROJECT-GUADALAJARA Decolonizing Audio Walk with Dance Interventions in the City of Guadalajara
Festival Internacional de Danza Jalisco 2022
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At the Festival Teatro en Plazas Públicas-Teatro en tu Barrio
Dance interventions as an Audiowalk, a decolonizing city tour in Mexico city with German and Mexican dancers |
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DECOLONYCITIES WINDHUK-HAMBURG Decolonizing audio walk with dance interventions
and visual art in public space
In cooperation with the Museum for Hamburger History and Kampnagel. |
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POWER.MEANS.MONEY / 8th. Trienal of Photography
May to Augst 2022
Image as Currency? Currency as Image!
Foto Exhibition of Chris Schwagga
Live-Performance by Eva Lomby
Museum for Hamburg History
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URBAN BODIES PROJECT - HAMBURG The Mexican-German choreographer Yolanda Gutiérrez shows with part of the Team of The URBAN BODIES PROJECT 2017 the urban colonial traces near the port of Hamburg with dance interventions as a silent-walk decolonizing project. |
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ALICE & MICHEL Performative-literary parcour through Hamburg's city centre
September 2021
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An activist-performative utopia for the decolonization of Bismarck
August 2021
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DECOLONYCITIES KIGALI-HAMBURG 2021 MARKK Museum Hamburg, Rothenbaumchaussee 64
20148 Hamburg
June 2021
Decolonycities is developing an urban post-colonial utopia as a co-production between Kigali and Hamburg with artists from both cities. All will deal with the archives in the MARKK Museum and those located in the body.
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Dekolonisierendes Projekt des Bismarck-Denkmals
Online auf Facebook via Live-Stream |
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Januar-Juni 2021
Digitization and archiving of 20 yearschoreografic work
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DEAD DANCE ZONE at Mbassy Mbassy, Schlüterstrasse 80, D-20146 Hamburg
End of October - Beginning of November 2020
Dead Dance Zone is both an installation project and an interactive tour. Yolanda Gutierrez takes visitors on a journey through European and Mexican traditions, in which death is both feared and celebrated. |
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Presenting the project at the International Festival Theater der Welt (2017) in Hamburg and last year at the International Dance Festival JULIDANS (2019), this project is now being realized in Stuttgart. |
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What do we know about the German colonial past? How can we bring it back in todays memories through other narratives? Which important role played the city of Hamburg in this colonial past? How can we shift the perspective of power and opression through bodies? |
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URBAN BODIES PROJECT - AMSTERDAM 2019 Julidans - International Dance Festival
On Fri 12.7 / 12 AM, Sat 13.7 / Sun.14.7 12 AM & 4 PM
Meeting point and end: International Theater Amsterdam
More infos here
This project seeks to collect, filter and bring information about colonial past at different port cities in Europe and bring them in an artistic way into our modern time. |
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PLANET KIGALI 2018 Futuristic Dance Piece betwenn Kigali and Hamburg
Premiere at Kampnagel - K2 Hamburg - December 2018
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RWANDAN ARTS KLUB 2018 December 13th to 15th 6:30 PM, Klub Kampnagel KmH
The Kampnagel Club opened an emancipatory space for three days, in which young actors from the Kigali art community discussed their work and share their visions for Rwanda. |
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DEAD DANCE ZONE at MARKK 2018 Museum am Rotherbaum MARKK Hamburg
October 30th and November 3th / 4th (2 performances each day)
Dead Dance Zone is both an installation project and an interactive tour. Yolanda Gutierrez takes visitors on a journey through European and Mexican traditions in which death is both feared and celebrated. |
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Haba na Haba Dance Festival, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. May 2018
The Swahili name means "The body at the end of the times". Together with six dancers from Dar es Salaam developed the German-Mexican choreographer Yolanda Gutiérrez a dance piece based in a research about how the body will act and develop in the future. |
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You're welcome to stand at my place 2018 Haba na haba Dance Festival, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. May 2018
Is a dance piece which questioned gender stereotypes and the paradox behind, is about what means to be a man and a woman in Rwandan Tanzanian society. |
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URBAN BODIES PROJECT - HAMBURG Theater der Welt, June 2017
Abstract ... by Caroline Herfert ... From: # 12 Angedockt: All eyes on the harbor! A review of "Theater der Welt" in Hamburg and its topics: Globalization, Escape, Migration. Universität Hamburg, Germany, Research Center Hamburg (post-) colonial heritage |
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There is no word for future in Swahili 2017 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania May 2017
The piece was develop together with the Mexican-German Choreographer Yolanda Gutiérrez and 14 dancers from Dar es Salaam. The first approach to the piece was by using elements of Tanzanian Traditional Dances and trying to filtered through their own movement vocabulary. |
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MEXICAN SPIRIT Vol.2, 2017 Yolanda Gutiérrez in Kollaboration mit Kampnagel
In the finest [k]lub atmosphere will be shown Mexican art, kitchen and kitsch, visual, discursive and music - that's MEXICAN SPIRIT. For KONTEXT MEXICO, the German-Mexican choreographer Yolanda Gutiérrez, in collaborationwith Kampnagel, is organizing a festival center for four days |
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LaBa! Arts Festival, Kampala, Uganda, Juni 2015
What are the mechanisms of oppression and power? And how can be develop these in a body language? How can bodies show oppression? And how do bodies show power? And how can a mass choreography of bodies influence, intimidate or even destroy systems of power? |
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POLITICAL BODIES 2015 Hamburg-Dakar-Cologne
Kampnagel – Theater im Bauturm / February 2015
International Dance Festival Kaay Fecc, Dakar, Senegal / Mai 2015
Symposium „African HipHop – a Lesson for European Democracy?“
February 6. – 7. 2015 - Kampnagel |
 (c) Kerstin Behrendt.jpg) |
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DEAD DANCE ZONE 2014 Internationale Kulturfabrik Kampnagel
K1 / Dezember 2014
[ sorry, in german only ]
... ist ein Tanz-, Theater-, Musik- und Installationsprojekt, welches im unterirdischen Teil Kampnagels stattgefunden hat. Wir nahmen die Zuschauer mit auf eine Reise durch eine lange europäische und mexikanische Tradition, in der der Tod gefürchtet und deshalb umso ausgelassener zelebriert wird. |
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Axel & Axel (die dritte Runde) 2013 Hamburger Theaternacht / Kampnagel / September 2013
80 years old Wrestler Axel Dieter und his 20 years old son Axel Dieter Jr. ... |
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Mexican Spirit Vol.1 2013 Baltic Raw / August 15th and 16th 2013
the speculative DORF Festival-Avant-Garten from International Summerfestival at Kampnagel
Over two days the mexican choreographer and video artist Yolanda Gutierrez will redesign the room ... |
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Axel & Axel (die zweite Runde) 2013 OLD SCHOOL FESTIVAL
Kampnagel / May 2013
Almost 60 years separates the nearly 80 years old wrestler Axel Dieter and his son Axel Dieter Jr., a wrestler from the young generation. |
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Romeo in Julias Revier 2013 Romeo in Julias Revier free adaptation after Romeo & Julia from W. Shakespeare
Dance and Theatre School project in the Schule am See, Steilshoop, for the Culture Agent Program from the Kulturstiftung des Bundes / March til June 2012, Hamburg
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DANZAFUTURA II 2012 Hamburg Theatre night September 2012 at Kampnagel
DANZAFUTURA is an experimental try-out, who grapple with aspects of rituals and oracles and their reference to dance. |
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Axel & Axel 2012 Doku-Fiktion & Video
Lange Nacht der Performance / live art festival-Kampnagel K1 2012
In this project I research both bodies, the young and the old one. They show us the brawniness this sport with the body leave one's mark. |
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Romeo vs. Romeo 2012 January 2012 at Kampnagel
In the piece "Romeo vs. Romeo" will Romeo be played by two newcomer Wrestler: Axel Dieter Jr. und DaMack. |
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DANZAFUTURA 2011 Lange Nacht der Theater auf Kampnagel
September 10th 2011
three Performances 7, 8 and 9 pm
– work in progress –
Between the audience and the actors they will find out what are the questions about the future. |
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SUPERHERO 2010 Tanztheater with Wrestling, Film and Music
International Kampnagel fabrik
September/October 2010 Opening from the Theatersaison 2010–2011
When reigning world champion Karsten Kretschmer a.k.a. “The Gladiator” enters into intensive contact improvisation with dancer “Trini, the Trinity”, it will be an unequal fight with an uncertain outcome ... |
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Berliner Festspiele Theatertreffen der Jugend
Nominated under the 20 best youth theatreproduction designated by the jury from Berliner Festspiele – 32. Theatertreffens der Jugend 2011. |
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The Wrestler & The Dancer reloaded 2010 Internationale Kampnagelfabrik
Long night of the theatre september 2010, Hamburg
Kampnagel presented a cross-section of this season’s programme. Mexican choreographer Yolanda Gutiérrez presented extracts from her new piece SUPERHERO, set to premiere at the season opening on 30th September. Her unusual combination of contemporary dance and wrestling so convinced world champion Karsten Kretschmer, that he was persuaded to make his big stage debut in SUPERHERO. |
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my dance room 2010 K3 / Tanzplan Hamburg PROBEBÜHNE EINS Kampnagel, February 2010
„Probebühne Eins“ is a Werkstatt-Plattform, where different kind of works can be shown: work in progress, short experiments and project in processs.From ten choreografers. |
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THE WRESTLER AND THE DANCER - 2009 Haus III&70 Intercultural Festival eigenarten, october 2009, Hamburg
The dancer & the wrestler follows a dramatic story line. Fiction and reality, performers and figure draws a story, which will absorbed all together the emotions from the audience. A heroical woman and a strong man shows behind the mask,without hiding anything … |
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International Festival Dance Kiosk, Hamburger Sprechwerk, Hamburg, july 2009
"my dance room" by Yolanda Gutierrez was the final and climax of the small Hamburg festival in the festival. For her video production, which can also be seen, the choreographer filmed people dancing in their own four walls. She chose six for the stage and was inspired by her skills to stage them. Musicians, actors, dancers and artists came together to turn their talents into a shared stage experience. Between living room lamps, they show their personal way of presenting themselves on stage. Gutierrez understood wonderfully how to interweave their very own professionalism into a well-rounded piece of dance and music on stage.
- Hamburger Abendblatt, Birgit Schmalmack, July 28, 2009
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about lucha libre 2009 K3 / Tanzplan Hamburg PROBEBÜHNE EINS at Kampnagel, march 2009
"The public is completely uninterested in knowing whether the contest is rigged or not, and rightly so; it abandons itself to the primary virtue of the spectacle, which is to abolish all motives and all consequences: what matters is not what it thinks but what it sees.“ Roland Barthes
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my dance room 2009 International Festival Dance Kiosk
Hamburger Sprechwerk, Hamburg, July 2009
Constant adaptation and change, the ability of getting involved with something new as well as the recurrent feeling of the supporting power of one’s own room (space) - an imagined yet at the same time real space - define the project „my dance room“. |
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my dance room 2008 Dance performance and Videoinstallation – November 2008
Gallery Kunst-nah, Hamburg
Motiv: How and where does space for dance develop? What induces people to dance? What memories are awakened?
25 people with migrant background show “my dance room” at home. |
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TAFEL TANZ 2004 Zelttheater Festival Schanzenpark, Hamburg
100% Hamburg - OFF - Festival Hamburg
Who doesn't know that? A special scent from the kitchen that reminds us of times gone by. Or to people, body odors can be similar to kitchen odors if the mood is right. Eating has something to do with eroticism, the ability to enjoy. |
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check point hope 2003 AN ULTIMATE URBAN ENCOUNTER
04.-08. November / Valentinskamp 34
Performance with dance, music, video and visual arts in empty buildings
Hamburg is a city where people of different nationalities meet. They shape the image of the city and they are active in all areas of life. Also in art. |
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The origins of the movement and the interaction with natural and cultural events were examined by three dancers from Spain, Sweden and Germany for six weeks in Mexico. Together with artists from Mexico, among the choreographer, the musician and a video maker, they will show their collaboration in a dance and video performance. |
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flesh & bone 1999 Zelttheater Schanzenpark
Tanzwerft / GoldbekHaus
The unsightly is the starting point. The discrepancies, the contrasts, the indefinable dance is the raw material and the research of the work. Representations of women are discovered, broken, and provoked by means of movements and language. |
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