[1] [2] [3] [4] DANZAFUTURA II 2012 Hamburg Theatre night September 2012 at Kampnagel
DANZAFUTURA is an experimental try-out, who grapple with aspects of rituals and oracles and their reference to dance.
Apokalyptical dance thetare mixed with Live-Musik, cleaning rituals, songs and future theories. We will present them in a modernand performativ oracle show.
We meet bevor the era from the fifth sun on 21.12.12, as the Maya Profecy said, goes to the end. Is this really the end? And if it is which questions can we still ask to ourselfs? We have the answers.
[Concept and Choreography] Yolanda Gutiérrez
[Music Design & Performance] Frau Kraushaar
[Dance] Yaima Santana Delgado
[Kostüme] METEORO
This is a production from yolanda gutiérrez & projects and Kampnagel