
Ab 2017 realisierte ich meinen ersten dekolonisierenden-silent-walk-performativen Stadtrundgang URBAN BODIES PROJECT. Dieser wurde zum internationalen Festival THEATER DER WELT eingeladen. Danach wurde dieses Projekt nach Amsterdam zum internationalen Tanzfestival JULIDANS und nach Stuttgart zum Festival DIE IRRITIERTE STADTeingeladen. Später folgte das Projekt DECOLONYCITIES 2019 und 2021 in Hamburg. Beide werden unter der von mir neu gegründeten Plattform SHAPE THE FUTURE von einem diversen und internationalen Team betreut.
 Foto: Munimum_Art Decolonising Bismarck Hier gehen Sie zum Interview
Ideology Theory Practice is a blog dedicated to questions concerning ideology and ideologies in all areas of social life and social research. It takes the view that our thoughts and experiences reveal a wealth of ideological themes and characteristics, and provides a forum where these dimensions can be explored by scholars at every stage of their research. The blog is pluralist in its methodology and substantive focus, and seeks to foster academic engagement with political ideologies across spatial, temporal, and disciplinary boundaries. Ideology Theory Practice aims to publish new pieces each week, usually on Mondays and Thursdays.
Our thematic interest in ideology and ideologies includes, but is not limited to:
Historical or contemporary analyses of specific ideologies;
Significant thinkers (individuals or groups) within ideological traditions;
Methodological debates within ideology studies, irrespective of theoretical framework or subfield;
The social purposes and applications of ideology, including critiques of ideologies’ use to mask or exert social power, domination, propaganda, dispossession, and exploitation;
The relationship between ideology and truth and falsehood, distortion, illusion, and dissimulation;
Individual and collective experiences of creating and resisting ideology and ideologies;
Theories, practices, and traditions of ideology critique;
Analyses of ideological institutions, such as parties, social movements, business corporations, labour organisations, think tanks, educational and research foundations, surveying and opinion polling companies, media enterprises, or intentional communities;
The ideological aspects of contemporary events and current affairs;
Conceptual analyses of the structure and morphology of different ideological frameworks, alongside discussions of overlap and the construction and policing of boundaries between competing ideologies.
Ideology Theory Practice is edited by a team of early-career scholars from across the globe with a diversity of research interests in the field of ideology studies. A short overview of our biographies and interests can be found on the Editorial Team page here.